Tianne is also a contributing author to the thought-provoking ‘Organisational Change Explained.’
Tianne Croshaw
Tianne is the founder of Resilience Wellbeing Partnership. She is a highly experienced Resilience Consultant working across a number of business sectors, and an expert in delivering corporate programmes.
She achieves this by homing in on leadership support. Why? Because leaders make the decisions and can have a much greater impact on stress and resilience than perhaps they realise.
Tianne Croshaw
Founder and CEO of Resilience Wellbeing Partnership
Over the last nearly 20 years Tianne has developed and along with her team delivered leadership and employee programmes with a number of UK based pharmaceutical companies as well as with organisations in the rail, automobile and retail industry, She has also supported leadership in the charity sector and the Royal Navy helping management improve their own resilience levels and recognise and improve their impact and influence on their people.
Tianne was a part of a programme to reduce stress and anxiety absenteeism figures from a high 8% to 0% across a pharmaceutical site for the three full years the Resilience Programme ran for.
We are so much more than a training provider. We are a team of highly passionate and highly experienced people in our field. All driven to share the tools, techniques and life hacks that will really make a difference to leaders, managers and employees on a long-term basis.
Resilience Wellbeing Partnership was founded by Tianne Croshaw with one sole mission in mind: to help create workplaces where everyone can communicate openly, feel safe to do so and to flourish
And yet a people-focused mission doesn’t have to come at the expense of the bottom line.
Never has resilience leadership been more needed than in 2020. Our current research demonstrates that many employees are feeling challenged by the uncertainty of the future. It is the leadership that people look to for guidance and as a way to behave resiliently. Yet leaders are people too. Our offering is specifically designed to help cultivate resilience from the ‘top-down’, thereby equipping leaders with the skills to better support others.”
~ Tianne Croshaw, Founder and Director of Resilience Wellbeing Partnership
Our team of Resilience Specialists:
Andy Ryder
Resultant & Habiteer
Olivia Stefanino
Creator of the ‘Money Types Emotional Profiling’ system, Financial Wellbeing Specialist and Author
Simon Yates
CFPTM Chartered MCSI DipPFS - Financial Guidance Specialist
Marie Orford
Jacqui Hazell
Faciltator and Master Coach: Leadership - Strategy - Culture
Dr. Susie Mitchell
Growth & Leadership Strategist
Dr. Sian Rowsell
Personal Performance Coach/Small Business Coach of the Year 2017
Garry Sanderson
Leadership and Behavioural Consultant
Mark Ashton
Inspiring Coach and Mentor
Sandy Juric
CBT Psychotherapist
Shila Jassal
Happiness and Wellbeing Coach
Steve Hoblyn
Nutritionist Workplace Mental Health & Advisor/Exec, Team and Systemic Coach / Co- Author Amazon Best Seller “Unlocked”
Karl Shirley
Grief and Suicide Companion, Individual Wellbeing Advisor and Facilitator
Cath Davis
Burnout Specialist
Elissa Dobson
Menopause Specialist and coach
Matt Kelvie
Health & WellBeing Specialist
Sheena Thomson
Leadership, Risk and Crisis Communications Expert
John Fox
Senior Pharmaceutical Manager
Jacqui Wilmshurst
MSc PhD CPsychol AFBPsS